Friday, 12 August 2016

An Overview of Heat Shrink Tubing Gun

The Heat Shrink Tubing Gun consists of a regular wire to which an adhesive line is attached. It is a kind of tubing which is usually used  for electrical purposes that shrinks in diameter when exposed to heat. It has three major types: thin-wall, medium-wall, and thick-wall tubing. It can be used to insulate electrical wiring which offers protection and for conductors, connections, and joints. 
When heat shrink tubing is placed over a connection, it is heated with a light heat source that causes the tubing to shrink, but will not heat it to the point of melting. Sources of light heat includes a hot air gun like a hair dryer, etc. The flame should be held away from the tubing when you use such a direct heat source as a lighter.

Heat shrink tubing is a unique product as  it can shrink from one sixth of its original diameter without reducing the length. There are some tubings which has an adhesive inside that allows it to fix more tightly with the desired materials once heated. Thermoplastic material is used to manufacture these guns, which includes silicone elastomer etc.

These are found in different colors for making a unique color-coding. This is the main reason why these guns have become so popular in organizing computer cables and wiring. The design of heat shrink tubing makes it an ideal product in insulating and protecting wires from dust etc.

There are different ways to use tubing guns. Most of the common preventative maintenance applications include relieving strain, and providing additional insulation, etc. When we apply heat shrink tubing to terminals or connectors, It helps to relieve physical stress caused by flexing and bending. The process of bending can damage insulation and the cable's conductor as well.

Heat shrink tubing not only provides additional strain relief, but it also provides extra insulation. Its extraordinary features make it an ideal product for its usage with connections, terminations, and circuit board applications which requires additional environmental and electrical protection.

Heat shrink tubing also gives an extra layer of protection for the cable by working as a sealer. It is easy to be placed over substrates, connections, and joints. Tubing fights against environmental hazards as it provides UV, oxidation and abrasion resistance.

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